br/> International Pacific Halibut Commission. Online at
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Online at
Non-Legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Forest Principles for a Global Consensus in the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests (1992).
See CBD Decisions IV/7, V/4, and VI/9.
CBD Decision VI/9.
All reports are available online at http://www.un.org/esa/forests/index.html.
HCV forests are those exhibiting any of a number of high conservation values, which are determined by science or stakeholder consensus and include not just biodiversity considerations but also cultural and social values.
For details of FSC see www.fscoax.org.
See e.g. Mississippi Alluvial Valley Regional standard, British Columbia Regional standard, at
CBD Dec. VI/23.
Standing Committee No 57 (1997) and No 77 (1999).
MOP Res.2.3 Conservation Guidelines.
See supra n10.
Burgiell S (2003) MEAs and the WTO: The Scope and Implications of Action under the Doha Mandate Working Paper, Fifth WTO Ministerial, Defenders of Wildlife.
De Sadeleer supra n8 at 308.
For analysis see Dickson B (1999) The Precautionary Principle in CITES: a critical assessment 39(2) Natural Resources Journal 211.
Decision V/6. While precaution does not appear in adopted text, the importance of adopting a precautionary approach was consistently highlighted in discussion and preliminary work. See e.g.
Report: Liaison Group meeting on Ecosystem Approach, 15017 September 2000, Paris. Online at
E.g. Redford KH and P Feinsinger (2001) "The half-empty forest: sustainable use and the ecology of interactions" in Reynolds et al supra n65 pp 370-399.
See supra n79.
Ward T, D Tarte, E Hegerle and K Short (2003) Policy Proposals and Operational Guidance for Ecosystem-based Management of Marine Capture Fisheries WWF, Australia.
For an introduction to adaptive management see e.g. Holling CS and S Sanderson (1996) "Dynamics of (dis)Harmony in Ecological and Social Systems" In SS Hanna, C Folke, K-G Maler (Eds) Rights to Nature: Ecological, Economic, Cultural and Political Principles of Institutions for the Environment Island Press, Washington, D.C., pp 57-85; N Salafsky, R Margoluis and KH Redford (2001) Adaptive Management: A Tool for Conservation Practitioners. Biodiversity Support Program, Washington, DC.
WWF (2003) WWF Critique of the FAO Guidelines on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries. A briefing to governments for the Twenty-fifth Session of COFI, February 23-28 2003.
Thorne-Miller B (2003) "Fisheries and the Precautionary Principle" in Tickner supra n7 pp 69-85.
Marine Aquarium Council (2001) Core Ecosystem and Fishery Management International Performance standard for the Marine Aquarium Trade Issue 1. Online at
FSC Principle 7.1, 7.2.
Marine Living Resources Act (1998) s44 (1).
ここで、 PIまたは3.14にしました
See CCAMLRs Report to the 18th Antarctic Treaties Contracting Parties (1994).
Principle 8.
See e.g. Bennett EL (2000) "Timber Certification: Where is the Voice of the Biologist?" Conservation Biology 14, 921.
See e.g. Thorne-Miller (2003) supra n110.
See e.g. Mugabe J "Precautionary policies and biotechnology in Africa" Online at
See e.g. Jachmann H, PSM Berry and H Imae (1995) "Tusklessness in African elephants: a future trend" African Journal of Ecology 33: 230-235
See e.g. Festa-Bianchet M (2003) "Exploitative Wildlife Management as a Selective Pressure for Life-History Evolution of Large Mammals" in M Festa-Bianchet and M Appollonio (Eds) Animal Behavior and Wildlife Conservation Island Press, Washington DC pp191-207.
See e.g. Callaghan DA, JS Kirby and B Hughes (1997) "The Effects of Recreational Waterfowl Hunting on Biodiversity: Implications for Sustainability" in CH Freese (Ed) Harvesting Wild Species: Implications for Biodiversity John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore pp 507-574.
See e.g. Hutton JM and N Leader-Williams (2003) "Sustainable use and incentive-driven conservation: realigning human and conservation interests Oryx 37: 215-226
Child G (1995) Wildlife and People: the Zimbabwean Success. Wisdom Foundation, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Hutton JM and G Webb (2003) "Crocodiles: legal trade snaps back" in S Oldfield (Ed) The Trade in Wildlife: Regulation for Conservation Earthscan, London.
Oldfield TEE, RJ Smith, SR Harrop and N Leader-Williams (2003) "Field sports and conservation in the United Kingdom Nature 423: 531 533.
Johnson K (1997) "Trophy Hunting as a Conservation Tool for Caprinae in Pakistan" in Freese (Ed) Harvesting Wild Species supra n121 pp 393-423.
Rice RE, CA Sugal, SM Ratay and GA Fonseca (2001) "Sustainable forest management A review of conventional wisdom Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science, No. 3.
See e.g. UNEP (2000) Global Environment Outlook UNEP, Nairobi.
See e.g. Lombard C and P du Plessis (2003) "The Impact of the Proposal to List Devil's Claw on Appendix II of CITES" in Oldfield The Trade in Wildlife supra n124.
See e.g. Jepson P, N Brickle and Y Chayadin (2001) "The Conservation Status of Tanimbar corella and blue-streaked lory on the Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia: results of a rapid contextual survey" Oryx 35: 224-233
See e.g. Roe D, N Leader-Williams, and DB Clayton (1997) Take only Photographs, Leave only Footprints: the Environmental Impacts of Wildlife Tourism International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
Jepson et al (2001) supra n130.
Surveys reported in Jepson (2001) supra n130 confirmed this perception.
Mohammed-Katerere J (2001) "The Precautionary Principle: Implications for Development and Poverty Alleviation in Southern Africa IUCN Environmental Law Programme Newsletter No 1 7-9.
Colchester M (2003) Applying the Precautionary Principle: Visions of Nature and Cultural Diversity Presentation at "The Precautionary Principle in Parks Management" side-event, IUCN Vth World Parks Congress, 8-17 September, Durban, South Africa. 32
Risby L (2002) Defining Landscapes, Power and Participation. An Examination of a National Park Planning Process for Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Cambridge University.
Mohammed-Katerere (2001) supra n134.
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